Adapted by Vincent Bridges for his students
The Preliminaries
A certain degree of attainment in the Sadhana of Guru Padmasambhava and the practice of transference of the Body/Speech/Mind of Guru Rinpoche are required before this practice is undertaken.
Both the place of meditation and the practitioner must be prepared.
The practitioner should engage in exercise, such as yoga, that focuses awareness on the body for at least 30 minutes before beginning the practice. Then the practitioner should bathe and dress in fresh, clean clothes.
The space where the practice is to be performed should also be cleared of all but objects of practice and other sacred items. Then, the space should be purified with incense and water.
Prepare the incense and water as follows:
Take a bowl of scented water and the incense censor. Start with the water and charge it by chanting the following mantra over it:
Namo ratnatrayaya namashchanda-vajrapanaye, om hana hana vajra vajranaha (3, 9, 27, 54 or 108 times)
Then take the censor and incense and charge with:
Om vajra hara hum (3, 9, 27, 54, or 108 times)
Then form the mudra of the vajra seal – left hand, thumb pressing little finger nail, middle finger extended, forefinger and ring finger arched – and vibrate:
Om kilikila vajra hum phat!
Then, begin with the incense and smudge in all six directions, chanting in each direction: OM susiddhikara jvalita ananta-murtaye jvala jvala bandha bandha hana hana hum phat!
Next, take the water and sprinkle the six directions vibrating: Om kilikila vajri vajri bhur bandha bandha hum phat!
The Opening – The Three Jewels, three lineages, and three seals; the Buddhas of the ten directions; taking refuge; personal protection; protection of place.
Once seated comfortably in front of the altar begin the practice:
To align the three jewels, and the three lineages, with the body/speech/mind of the practitioner do first the three seals:
Turning the hands palm up, bend the two forefingers slightly. Touch this to your forehead and vibrate:
OM Tathagata-udbhavaye svaha
Join the palms in the manner of the blossoming lotus, or as if cupping water. Touch to heart and vibrate:
OM Padma-udbhavaya svaha
Reverse and join the palms; left palm down; join the two thumbs and two little fingers. Touch navel and vibrate:
OM Vajra-udbhavaya svaha
Then see the Buddhas of all ten directions, six of space and three of time, with center point, and pay homage to them by vibrating:
OM sarva-tathagata kaya-vak-chiita-vajra-pranamena sarva-tathagata-vajra-pada-vandanam karomi
Then do the offering of self:
“If, until I am in the essence of enlightenment, I totally and thoroughly offer myself at all times to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas abiding in the ten directions, may the Great Buddhas and Boddhisattvas please take and bestow upon me the unsurpassed gift of Buddhahood.”
Then take refuge:
To the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha
I go for refuge until enlightenment
To achieve for the welfare of myself and others
I will generate the mind of enlightenment.
Listen O Buddhas and Boddhisattvas
Abiding in the ten directions
I now for the sake of perfect enlightenment for all sentient beings
Will generate the mind of enlightenment.
Form mudra seal of secret mantra, fingers interlocked in fist, forefinger and little finger extended to touch, thumb alongside forefinger, and chant:
OM AH HUM vajra guru padma siddhe hum (3, 9, 27, 54, or 108 times)
Then form mudra seal of self-protection, the vajra mudra used above, thumb on little finger, middle finger extended, forefinger and ring finger arched, and touch to opposite shoulder. Vibrate:
Namo ratnatrayaya, namashchanda-vajrapanaye, mahayakshasena-pataye, namo vajra-krodhaya, tadyatha om hulu hulu tishtha tishtha bandha bandha hana hana amrte hum phat!
Next, form the circle of protection around the place of practice:
Find the bindhu center of the space, the center of your heart, and focus on the circumference of the circle and vibrate:
Om kilikila vajri vajri bhur bandha bandha hum phat!
Then make the ritual dagger seal mudra; middle and ring finger into circles, little and forefinger extended touching, thumbs extended in same plane as forefingers, touching. Face east, and with mudra draw banishing pentagram of earth, from lower left to top, lower right, upper left, upper right, lower left. Through center vibrate: Om kilikila vajri vajri bhur bandha bandha hum phat! And see the protector entity Vijaya take shape.
Repeat for south with Yamantanka, west for Hayagriva and north for Amritadaya. (Think of these as the four kerubic beings, which they closely match: Vijaya, human, Aquarius, Yamanatanka, Bull, Taurus, Haygriva, Leo, Lion, and Amritadaya, Scorpio, Eagle.) Return to east and vibrate the mantra for binding obstructions:
Bhrum om amritodbhava udbhava hum phat, namo ratnatrayaya namshchanda-vajrapanaye, maha-yaksha-sens-pataye, om sumbhani sumbha hum, grhna grhna hum, grhnapaya grhnapaya hum, anayaho bhagavan vidya-raja hum phat svaha
I call upon these fierce and wrathful dharma protectors to bind any obstructions that arise in my practice and in my environment. As I formulate and generate the structures of this Buddha field, may the Guardians and Dharma protectors bind all who would obstruct my efforts…
Then from the dagger mudra, release the thumbs up ward to form the fence. Visualize a fence encircling the area without a break. Vibrate:
Namo ratnatrayaya namshchanda-vajrapanaye, maha-yaksha-sens-pataye, tadyatha om sara sara vajra-prakara hum phat!
Turn the mudra upside down and make a circle with it. Visualise a vajra roof or tent covering the area circle completely:
Namo ratnatrayaya namshchanda-vajrapanaye, maha-yaksha-sens-pataye, om visphu raksha vajrapani hum phat!
Empower the protection by making the vajra mudra and cross-armed pose and chanting:
Om kilikila vajra hum phat! (3, 9, 27, 54 or 108 times)
The Practice – Nine Breath purification; Transference of Body/Speech/Mind;
When the vibrations of the preceding have settled and the mind is calm and clear, begin the purification breathing:
Inhale with both nostrils, exhale three through right, three through left; inhale through nostrils, exhale through mouth, three times. See rainbow light coming in, and dark red being expelled from the right nostril, blue gray mist from left, and purplish mist from mouth and both nostrils. Should be deep complete inhales and exhales, releasing all air from the body. Repeat cycle 3, 6 or 12 times as needed.
Visualise Padmasambhava as a rainbow light filled being just above eye level.
Form mudra seal of secret mantra, fingers interlocked in fist, forefinger and little finger extended to touch, thumb alongside forefinger, and chant:
OM AH HUM vajra guru padma siddhe hum (3, 9, 27, 54, or 108 times)
At each OM, see white light flowing from Guru Rinpoche’s forehead to yours; at each AH see red beam to throat; at HUM see a crystal blue beam to heart center. As you do this, feel that the OM is transferring the body of Guru Rinpoche, the AH is transferring the speech, and the HUM is transferring the mind of Guru Rinpoche. Afterwards, vibrate one final OM AH HUM, and see Guru Rinpoche shrinking with the final HUM into your heart center/bindhu point. Stay in silence as long as necessary to stabilize this feeling.
You have now transferred Guru Rinpoche’s mind to your body. That is, your body now exists only in the mind of Guru Rinpoche. Therefore, you see yourself with the perspective and viewpoint of the Guru’s consciousness. Look with the Guru’s perspective at your complex of subtle and physical bodies. Remember any images or impressions that occur while you are doing this.
Let your awareness return to your body, while maintaining the visualization of Guru Rinpoche at the heart center, his mind generating your body. Feel the mind/body solidifying into a chorten or stupa, a square, a sphere, a tetrahedron, a crescent and a tapering off into space flame drop. This chorten is on the very top of Mt. Meru, surrounded by the other four astral/elemental continents. Allow yourself to experience the vastness of this space/time astral universe. Chant:
Namo Gurubhya
Namo Dhevabhya
Namo dhakkinibhya (3, 9, 27, 54, or108 times)
Face east, and with a small drum or damarhu make a rapid rhythm and say:
When I beat this measure, the Dhevas and Dhakinis dance in the crescent shaped dancing space on the eastern continent on the heads of the Kings of Wrath while sounding the flute-like call of Mirror-like Wisdom.
Then vibrate HUM, Phat!
Face south and make a different rhythm and say:
When I beat this measure, the Dhevas and Dhakinis dance in the triangular shaped dancing space on the southern continent on the heads of the Lords of Pride and Death while making the sharp sound of the skull drum of the Wisdom of Equality.
Vibrate HUM, Phat!
Face west and make a different rhythm and say:
When I beat this measure, the Dhevas and Dhakinis dance in the circular dancing space on the western continent on the heads of the Lords of Lust while tinkling the bells of Discriminating Wisdom.
Vibrate HUM, Phat!
Face north and make a different rhythm and say:
When I beat this measure, the Dhevas and Dhakinis dance in the square dancing space on the northern continent on the heads of the Lords of Jealousy while wearing the crown of the All-Fulfilling Wisdom.
Vibrate Hum Phat!
Face center and make a slow steady beat like a heart beat and say:
When I beat this measure, the Dhevas and Dhakinis dance in the perfectly endowed spot on the center continent on the heads of the Lords of Ignorance while sounding the melodious HUM.
Vibrate HUM, HUM, HUM, Phat!
Staying centered, visualize that Dhakinis arise from each continent and, wielding vast spears of light, transfix the elements of the self and transmuting the Five Poisons.
The Dhakini of the east transfixes the north with the spear of unconditional love, the dhakini of the south transfixes the west with the spear of empathy and compassion for all beings; the dhakini from the west transfixes the east with the spear of impersonal altruism; the dhakini from the north transfixes the south with the spear of discriminating impartiality, a sense of justice; the dhakini of the center transfixes all four at the center point with the spear of bodhisattvic Mind.
Hold this visualization clearly in mind, and repeat the purification breathing given above. Note any changes and note how the light spears react to the purification. Completely release all toxins and negativities.
Having transfixed and transformed the Five Poisons, now invoke the Five Dhyani Buddhas:
Face east again, and form the vajra mudra seal with your right hand (left hand, thumb pressing little finger nail, middle finger extended, forefinger and ring finger arched). Draw the elemental pentagram of water, upper left to upper right, to lower left, top, lower right, and back to upper left.
Form cross-armed vajra seal, and visualize through the pentagram, the Dhyani Buddha Akshobhya with his vajra and consort, and the other four in a circle around him. Vibrate HUM and see the forms stabilize.
Repeat to the south with Ratnasambhava with a flaming jewel and consort. Use pentagram of earth (From top to lower left, upper right, upper left, lower right back to top). Vibrate TRAM to stabilize.
Repeat to the west with Amitaba and his lotus and consort. Use pentagram of Fire (top to lower right, upper left, upper right, lower left and back to top). Vibrate HRIH to stabilize.
Repeat to the north with Amogasiddhe and his sword and consort. Use pentagram of Air (upper right to upper left, to lower right, top, then lower left and back to upper right). Vibrate AH to stabilize.
Face center and repeat with Vairocana, his wheel and consort. Use active spirit equilibrating pentagram (lower right to upper left, upper right, lower left, top and back to lower right). Vibrate OM to stabilize.
Return your focus to Padmasambhava at the heart center and allow yourself to feel the counter swirl of the transformative flow set by the spears and the Buddhas. Stay in silence with the feeling until centered.
With your right hand, form the mudra for sensation, palm out and upright, thumb across palm. Vibrate AH and see/feel/experience space as filled with the energy of the five elemental beings.
Staying focused in the heart center, vibrate OM and see/feel/experience a golden white oval shape surrounding your body.
Vibrate EHO shuddhe shuddhe and see/feel/experience a clear blue sphere comprising the top of the head and just above, 7th and 8th charkas.
Vibrate YAMHO shuddhe shuddhe and see/feel/experience a calm green sphere comprising the third eye and the throat centers.
Vibrate RAMHO shuddhe shuddhe and see feel/experience a powerful red sphere at the heart and will centers.
Vibrate BAMHO shuddhe shuddhe and see/feel/experience a deep white sphere at the naval center.
Vibrate LAMHO shuddhe shuddhe and see/feel/experience a solid yellow sphere at the base of the spine.
Repeat in reverse order, ending with golden light rainbow OM.
When this has stabilized, begin mantra:
E YAM RAM BAM LAM shuddhe shodhanaye savha (3, 9, 27, 54 or 108 times).
As the mantra runs, see the centers opening and coming into alignment. Stay with the energy and try to remember the images.
When completed, vibrate HUM, HUM, HUM and say:
The Mind of the Buddhas of all three times, six directions and the center, immaculate from the beginningless time, perfect, transcending all concepts and definitions, this then is the Embodiment of the Five Wisdoms, the quintessence of realization, void, radiant and without characteristics, is made manifest in the symbolic form of the HUM. By the alchemy of Right Knowledge, the Five Poisons freely transmute themselves into the radiant Five Wisdoms. May the Vajra of the heart be realized in this lifetime.
Sarva siddhi karishyantu HUM (3, 9, 27, 54 or 108 times).
As the mantra goes, see/feel/experience a profound openness to the gift waves of the higher beings, all buddhas and bodhisattvas. See each HUM stretch down through the Five Centers, grounding the energy in the chorten form in the Perfectly Endowed Spot at the gravitational center of the universe.
After the mantra, stay centered on Guru Rinpoche at the heart center. Form mudra seal of secret mantra, fingers interlocked in fist, forefinger and little finger extended to touch, thumb alongside forefinger, and chant very slowly:
OM AH HUM vajra guru padma siddhe hum
Analyse the mantra as you chant. OM AH HUM, body/speech /mind of the Guru Rinpoche; vajra guru, the vajra of the heart, padma siddhi, the power of compassion, and hum, may it be realized in me.
Allow yourself to sink as deep as possible into this insight. Stay there as long as you need.
Closing –
When you feel the energy dropping go to the dissolution:
These forms seen in vision spring from the ground in space are now dissolving back into that ground. Again the Light Dawns… The light of all three Times…
Then share the merit:
I share the merit of this spontaneous virtue with the embryo of illumination… May all be made one in the wisdom that is all pervading…
Then the blessing:
One’s view of things is all embracing – may the Dharmakaya bring blessings.
One’s thoughts are in tune with every situation – May the Sambhogakaya bring blessings.
All one’s actions spring from this – May the Nirmanakaya bring blessings.
These three become one in the vision of the ground of being – May the Union of the three bring blessings