Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges
Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 2003
Mysteries is a revision and substantial expansion of A Monument to the End of Time: Alchemy, Fulcanelli, and the Great Cross. Aethyrea Books, 1999.
The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye reveals one of Western occultism’s deepest secrets: The alchemical transformation of base metal into gold is also the transformation of the current Iron Age into the Golden Age. Based on the work of the enigmatic 20th-century alchemist Fulcanelli, authors Weidner and Bridges show how the greatest alchemical secret is that of time itself and that coded into an obscure monument in southwestern France–the cross in the town square of Hendaye–is the imminent date of the apocalypse. The authors’ explorations of this symbolism lead them from the cross of Hendaye to the western facade of the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, the Pyrenees, ancient Egypt, and the secret origins of Atlantis in Peru, to reveal that we are indeed living in a “fatal season” and that this season is intimately connected to our solar system’s alignment with the galactic center. The authors’ in-depth examination of alchemy’s connection with the coming end days also reveals that this astro-alchemical knowledge was part of the sacred science of the Egyptians and the Atlanteans, whose coded messages are, at last, deciphered to guide humanity to its future destiny.